Monday, August 24, 2009

Working on Wolverine Colors

Just wanted to put up a quick post...

I'm getting things together and finishing up some color pin-up work. I'll be attending the Cherry Capital Con in Traverse City, MI this weekend and want to have some new posters to push.

I'm going to be posting my new posters here as I complete them. First the line art will be posted then the colors.

I'll be doing these until after the con. Then I've got to punch out some work and get a webcomic page setup over at for Rick Schlaack's "The Empty Corner" I'm doing "grays" over his line art and setting up the webcomic page as well. We'll be posting new pages twice a week until the story is done. Then the story will be collected in a graphic novel.

Here's the line art for a Wolverine piece I've been meaning to finish for quite some time. This is all part of my "backlog" of work I want to get clear so there's no distractions with future production.

Be back soon...



Brad D - Scribe of Snarky said...

Good Luck at Cherry Con, Jay.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Guy Davies is hitting PDX at the comic shop where Obscura is on the shelf, Floating World. Hoping to swing in, say Hi, pick something of his up for Mel.

ChikoLor said...

hello Jay...i want to inform and apologize because just using your lineart for my own coloring practices and then i was submitted in my devianart gallery...i found it in google image...however, i was credited your name as the owner of those lines i used...hope everything just fine for u...i like your drawing style...its simple but its perfect...its quite easy for me as a beginner who want to start learn and practice in colouring....please dont sue just a poor little kid...

viagra online said...

only one question, that wolverine don't have color already, so why marvel want to change his color, yellow and blue has been always him color.