Tuesday, June 21, 2011

24 Weeks of Sequentials pt. XXII

Here we are again... finally. Here's to hoping I get back on schedule.

Over this past weekend I had a table at the 1 day Summit City Comic Con. I've gotta say it was a really nice show. Zack Cruse organized an amazing show. I got a chance to touch base with some great creators to the likes of Jay Fosgitt, Denver Brubaker, Tony Miello, Brett Pinson, and my neighbor Nate Higley. Almost forgot the impressive road trip crew in that list Jon Gordon, Dean Stahl, Ryan Claytor, an Jason Howard... we packed like sardines into Ryan's vehicle KITT and had at it. Good times... good times. I definitely think this will be one of the highlights of next years con season.

Now for page 22

In case you've missed the previous pages you can find them through the following links, or visit older posts.

I'm still fighting some editing for page 21, I let it rest for a little bit, went back and gave it another read. I'll leave it as is for right now, but will post the changes soon.

Just a reminder I'll be at the following Convention.

Grand Traverse Resort
Traverse City, MI

Hopefully I'll get to see some of you readers out there at these great shows, feel free to stop by for witty banter...

Special edition to this weeks post, I've started to do custom sketch cards, for an example here's one I did for fun a Summit City Comic Con this past weekend.

Hopefully I'll have my page done for next Tuesday. If not it may be a little late due to the con weekend. I'll try to snag photos of any sketches I do to share with you for next Tuesday's post

Until then...


1 comment:

abouelse said...

Huzzah! Good post, I like the dialog between Sahara and Snarky. Keep up the good work, catch you in Traverse City.