It's been a little bit of time and a lot has happened. Life has kept me from posting and I must say, what a life it's been. Here's the short and nasty version broken down to a few key points...
I got a new job.
I married an Amazing Woman.
I made art of all types for various projects, including the previously stated wedding.
I traveled with my new family to San Diego for a good friend's wedding (missing Comic Con International by a week)
I coordinated the Artist Alley for the MSU Comics Forum 2013.
And recently I spent two weeks in Tokyo with my family
As I said I've been busy and this is just the Cliffs Notes version. Have no fear I'll expand on the notes in the coming weeks with semi-entertaining posts including commentary and pictures. It'll include various projects I've worked on including a wonderful project and the details regarding a Dr Who themed TARDIS card box I designed and built for my wedding.
Before I go into all of that I have an announcement...

The Tao of Snarky: The cutting Edge #1 is making it's debut this weekend at C2E2. I'll be tabling with the amazing Jay Fosgitt who just had his first issue of Bodie Troll published through Red 5 comics.
Now, if you don't know about Bodie Troll go pick up a physical copy through a local comic shop or check out the digital edition through comixology ( Bodie Troll is a Fantastic all ages comic that has a little bit for everyone to enjoy... Basically, Bodie is a Troll (I bet you couldn't figure that one out from the title, eh?) who is too cute for his troll heritage. Go pick it up and give it a read. There may be a surprise piece of pin-up art from someone you all may know in the second issue (hint-hint, wink-wink, nudge-nudge)... But I digress.
Now back on track...
The Cutting Edge #1 collects the pages I've been posting here with the Gray tones removed, I felt the greys didn't serve the story quite like I wanted... so out the door they went!
Find me at one of my appearances if you'd like to get you hands on a physical copy, I'm looking into shipping costs to start offering online sales and I'm looking into digital distribution to make it easy to view in this amazing digital age. Scary as the venture may be I plan on leaving no stone unturned as I jump into a more rigid production schedule on Snarky and other projects.
So join me in Chicago this weekend at C2E2 this weekend you'll be able to find Jay and Jay at table L8 (click the link to go to an interactive convention floor map to show you exactly where we will be, don't worry it opens in a new window.)
I plan on new posts every week catching everyone up on the projects I've been involved with and experiences I've had.
It's good to be back here doing this again... I forgot how much I missed it.
p.s. I've added a tool on the side of my page regarding my appearances. Be sure to check them out to see where you can find me in the future.